Monday, 7 November 2016

Writing a letter in character

We have been reading 'Goodnight Mr Tom' by Michelle Magorian. Today we were replying to a letter from Mrs Beech as if we were Tom Oakley.

Original letter:
Dear Sir or Madam,
I asked if Willie could go and stay with God-fearing people so I hope he is. Like most boys he's full of sin but he's promised to be good. I can't visit him. I'm a widow and I haven't got the money. The war and that. I've put the belt in for when he's bad and I've sewn him in for the winter. I usually keep him in when I wash his clothes and I got them special for the cold weather so he should be alright. Tell him his Mum said he'd better be good. 
Mrs. Beech
This was Sophie's reply:
Dear Mrs Beech,
My name is Tom Oakley and I am the person who is taking care of Willie I would also like to you to tell you that Willie has got here safely and he has settled in very well, he is a very quiet boy. I live near a church like you wanted and I read him bible stories every night. Also, he hesitates to ask questions but I answer them anyway. He is very polite and is never naughty I don’t feel the need to use the belt. He has been coming on walks with me and is getting used to the countryside, as it is very different to London, I promise to take good care of him. I am sorry that you can’t come down but we will carry on writing to you to let you know what’s happening. I am quite worried that he can’t read and write for most of the children down here can read and write by the age of around six but anyways, I’ll help him but I am confused to why he didn’t get any help. I you don’t mind me asking did you help Willie with his work? Willie has told me he had no friends but he has made good friends with Sammy and they love going on walks with each other. As it is his birthday in a few days I will give him some presents and throw him a party.
Yours sincerely
Tom Oakley 
Lisa's letter:
Dear Mrs Beech,
William has settled in well and the billeting officer has given him to a religious person, I do live near a church and I am a regular attender. I always go to church on a Sunday so I hope you are okay with him staying with me. I have not needed to use the belt and I do not intend to do so. He seems to like the village and he does enjoy staying here. We are going to my friend’s house later, after lunch, so that I can have a talk with my friend and his wife because I have not seen them for a while and William can have some orange juice or something while we are there. I told William that after I have written to you we will have some lunch. He has been very well behaved and when he returns home I would ask you not to punish him for behaving terribly because he has been on his best behaviour for me as you said for him to do so. As his mother you will know that is his birthday is very soon as it is on Thursday and I was going to do a little celebration for that, hopefully he will enjoy that. I am also hoping that he will make some new friends over the next couple of days so that we have some people that we can invite to join us. He has already made one friend as he has made good friends with Sammie, they often enjoy going for long walks together and playing in the fields.
From Mr Tom Oakley
 Cloud's letter:
Dear Mrs. Beech,
My name is Tom Oakley and I am currently caring for your child Willie, I am writing to inform you that Willie has settled nicely in my home. Although I am not very experienced with children hopefully I will not have to use the belt that you have sent me because he seems very well behaved. I am a bit concerned about his health though because he has been throwing up a lot lately but luckily I have been able to take him to the village doctor, the doctor informed me that it is a result of malnutrition. As you have requested he is staying in my cottage which is by a Church and I have been reading him stories from the holy Bible that he brought with him. One thing I have noticed though is that he hesitates to ask questions and has been showing some very strange behaviour for example when I put him to bed instead of getting on the bed he hid under the bed and curled up into a ball. He seemed very surprised when I told him that he could actually sleep on the bed under the covers. I have also noticed that he cannot read and write but we won’t have to worry about that because he will be attending the local school. He has also made good friends with Sammy and they enjoy going out on walks in the morning. 

Yours sincerely,
Tom Oakley.
Kirsten's version:
Dear Mrs. Beech, 
My name is Thomas Oakley. I am looking after your son whilst the war is in place. I live in Little Weirwold and I will take good care of your son. William has been very good, not mischievous at all! He misses you very much but is coping okay. He likes his new home and is to start school soon. I understand that you can’t visit, that is fine. I haven’t used the belt yet, and the behaviour that William is giving me is amazing so I won’t need to be using it. I live near a church and was once religious before my wife died. I read him bible stories every night and take him round the church and the graveyard. He says his prayers at the correct times. Your son keeps learning new things when I take him for walks (I couldn’t believe that he’d never seen a cow before)! He likes his clothes a lot and I am looking to get him some new ones. I told him to be good and he has been. He is a polite, quiet, kind and friendly boy. He must have changed since you last saw him. I don’t really know a lot about looking after children, but I do know your son is a nice person.
William is good friends with Sammy and they enjoy long walks together. I know you think dogs are fierce and poisonous, but I think differently. William likes playing with my dog, Sammie.
I hope you are okay and we wish to see you soon after the war is over.
Yours sincerely,
Tom Oakley
Tyler S's letter:
Dear Mrs Beech,
I received Willie from the Billeting officer yesterday. Willie is a quiet, shy little boy who doesn’t always reply joyfully to everything you say. He is very well behaved, so there will be no need for the belt you inserted into the bag. As requested, Willie is living near a church with me in Little Weirwold. I read a story from the Bible to him every night. I give him all of his meals each day and he has a little bed in my attic to sleep in every night. Willie is an unconfident boy, that’s probably to do with the fact that he has a new house, village, routine etc. I’m sure he’ll get more confidence by the days he is with me.
He has made good friends with Sammy, like going out to play and going out on long walks.
As long as he’s with me, he’ll be safe.
Yours sincerely,
Tom Oakley. 
Rhianna's letter:
 Dear Mrs Beech,
I would like to say that your son has reached his new home for the next couple of years. I live in a cottage in the town of Little Weirold, and there is a church 200 yards away. As you requested, I am a Christian, and attend the local church frequently. Every night I read a Bible story to Willie, and he seems to be taking them in. 
He has been very good. In fact, I didn’t have to tell him to behave. He has made friends with Sammy, and they enjoy spending time together. Willie has settled in well, and has his own room and is eating well.
I do not intend to use the belt that you have given me, even if he doesn’t behave, as it is just plain wrong to beat a child. Although I am a single parent (of Willie) and find it hard, as you are, we don’t have to resort to whipping. I have never hurt a child, and I never will. I strongly encourage you to stop when he comes home. I’ll still keep the belt though, as it fits nicely around my waist. Thanks for the belt!
Kind Regards, 
Thomas Oakley, temporary father of William.

Saturday, 8 October 2016

The Lost Thing by Rhianna

Starting my day was always the same: going down to the beach and collecting bottle-tops. I have an amazing selection of bottle-tops, and I was hoping to find some more. But what I found instead was even better. I found a bell. It had a swirly pattern, and was a bit rusted. I picked it up, and it ringed. I put it in my rucksack (an upcycled dustbin) and stood still, thinking about why it was there. Then it rang again, or at least I thought it was the bell. I looked up, and I found something amazing.
It was round, like a vase, or a teapot with no handle. It was around 6 metres tall, or 3 times the height of me. It has an orangey-red coat of rust around it. It had doors and entrances in all shapes and sizes. It was the Lost Thing.
I was a bit apprehensive to discover what it really was, so I decided to make a peaceful approach. Nerve-rackingly, I opened one of its many doors, and called, “Hello?” but there was no reply. I think the peaceful approach didn’t work. The door shut itself, and began making a lot of whirring noises, and crashing noises. As this point, I was scared out of my mind, and I was about to run away, but then I was intrigued, as the lower hatches began to open, and tentacles sprouted out. Two ‘arms’ appeared, with bells for hands. Out of its ‘mouth’ there appeared a beach ball. I did question this, but then I remembered that finding the Lost Thing was questionable in itself.
I grabbed the beach ball and threw it to him, and he caught it and deftly passed it back. It was like a dog, in the aspect that it loved to throw and catch balls. We’d been doing it for a couple of hours, but it didn’t get bored. 

The Lost Thing by Tyler W

Enthusiastically walking along the dull grey path I headed towards the sandy beach searching for bottle tops as usual. Each step at a time down to the beach, searching in the sand - no bottle tops. Suddenly a red thing in the sand catches my eye, “Could this be the colalionaid 2047 top!” I thought. Reaching out all bubbly, but nope it was a bell in the middle of the sand. Now this had me thinking why there is a red bell in the middle of the sand, nevertheless I followed the rugged piece of rope. 
It wasn’t that long before I came across the end of the string and a big red thing with tentacles coming out of the bottom. I didn’t know what to do; I was speechless. It had lots of flaps, doors and hatches. I stuck my head in and yelled, “Hello!” but there was no reply. As I kept walking around this object, I decided it was a U.F.O., an unidentified foreign object. Well that’s what I thought 

The Lost Thing by Kiefer

It was just a normal, old and boring day. The only good place good to look for bottle tops anymore was on the beach. I was working tirelessly on my bottle top collection, well at least until I saw a red thing half-buried underneath the sand. Curiously, I picked it up not knowing what it was. And as I picked it up, I heard a bell sound, you know, ‘ring a ring a ring’. It turns out it was a bell, a bell connected to what looked, well… lost. 
I inspected it, as all it was, was a lost thing. Nobody else seemed to notice it, as they were all too busy doing their own things. I was walking around it, when I heard a rusty sound above me, but when I looked up all I saw was nothing. I thought it was just me, imagining things, but when I saw a hatch, I thought why not?
I stuck my head through the hatch and shouted ‘hello.’
Nothing happened but then I heard a tiny ‘cling’ sound. 

The Lost Thing by Olivia

I jumped off the train after a long ride and straight away I found a new bottle top to add to my collection, so I ticked it off in my book of bottle tops.
As I walked down the staircase to the beach I saw a big red oval shaped thing. I don’t know what it was but it was big. I walked up to the unusual shaped thing and I picked up a bell that was attached to it and then I heard something close so I shouted inside of the big red oval shaped thing, “HELLO!” 
There was no answer and then…
The red oval shaped thing came to life with green octopus like tentacles coming out of nowhere and suddenly there were two sharp claws holding a bell in each one. Then a beach ball came flying out of a little hatch at the front of the thing so I threw it back and me and the thing played a game of catch for a little while. 
So I guess the octopus like thing turned out to be alright I mean he didn’t eat me or anything so I think I’ll be alright I don’t think I'm going to die anytime soon.

Describing the Lost Thing

As I went on my daily stroll on the beach after a long ride on the train. I found a few bottle tops and a red sort of rusty, bizarre kind of thing. I walked closer and closer to the big thing that looked like a teapot with brownie coloured legs and doors. When I was a few feet away I saw a bell, a red bell that looked like exactly the same colour as the crazy round thing. As I was next to the thing I thought to myself this is a strange thing so I opened the rusty door and shouted “HELLO!”
The tentacles popped out and made a loud and very noisy sound as it stood up with the fan going as fast as anything. It chucked out a beach ball and we played a little bit of catch. I think we might be friends. Maybe I have a friend now.

Just one thing I wonder; why has he or she got two bells on it? Hum, I wonder why. “Oh well let’s keep on playing catch.” I said. So we played and played all day it seemed like but as I look at my watch it has only been two minutes but time will always fly when you are having fun.

Describing the Lost Thing by Jack

It was like any other day same gloomy street, same gloomy train same gloomy beach. I was collecting bottle tops, as always, I thought I had found one so I leaned down and picked it up it wasn’t a bottle at all. It was just a bell, but it had a string attached to it so I decided to follow it. It was weird because it followed along to a … kettle? It wasn’t doing much it was just, there really. It had a sort of look to it, like a, gloomy sad sort of look really. It also had a hatch, I opened it and peered inside, it wasn’t the brightest place, to be honest. I said, “Hello,” but there was no reply it just echoed around inside. However, there was a vibration shortly after. Tentacle like arms slowly crept out of most of the hatches and stood itself up.

The Lost Thing description from the man’s view by Kirsten

Dear Diary,
Today was just the same as usual. I went down to the beach to collect bottle tops. I found some on my boring way to the beach I found a Carlsberg™ ale top, and an orange and blue orangeade one. The last one I found was a new one, but the other was a repeated found one. I wish I could just show my collection; it’s amazing! Anyway, I didn’t find any more on my journey. I made my way to the stairs, my back aching from the hefty bag on my back.
 I walked down the long flight of stairs to the unusual beach. Bob was there vacuuming the sand as usual, and Mary was there placing the seagulls. Everyone was tanning in the sun and playing. I walked on to find a peculiar red thing in the sand; I thought it was a special bottle top. But it turned out to be a bell. I jingled it and then a big, post box red teapot shaped thing sat on the sand. Everyone, who was there, paid no attention at all. How could they not? It was ginormous! It had tentacles, coloured musty green, hanging out of many of the hatches and doors. It had a rusty, old fan at the front. It had a chimney that was puffing out smoke. It looked like a giant death machine. I would have run away if I wasn’t so petrified with fear! Then all of a sudden, it started moving, all of its tentacles moving. Its fan started going and it turned around and I could see its big pincer type things with bells on…

Meeting the Lost Thing by Anesha

As usual I was looking for bottle tops to add to my collection but this time it was on the beach. I saw something but it seemed like nobody else could see it, then that’s when I saw it. A bell! I thought to myself, ‘what could that be for?’ so I walked up to the bell and picked it up and started to shake it and then I saw this giant red thing, it was amazing. I started walking around it. I stopped and saw this door/window I opened it and shouted, 'HELLO!' 
No answer.
So I shut it and I looked above and I saw this leg and then the thing put the leg in. Then it started to move...

The Lost Thing by William

I was walking on the beach when I saw a bell so I picked it up. It was a tiny red bell. I followed the string that was attached to it. It led to a huge red teapot three times the size of me. The huge teapot was red with a bit of orange on it. I said, “Hello” in a little door. Suddenly it started to transform. I was really scared of what might happen when the door opened. I was terrified! I didn’t know what was going to happen. A basketball shot out...

Describing the Lost Thing by Finley

It was a beautiful sunny day in Australia when I was collecting my bottle tops, I found the rarest bottle top ever (it was from the Stone Age) I put it in my bag and carried on walking. As I was walking onto the beach, I saw a huge red thing so I ran swiftly to it. Before I got there I found a bell, I picked it up and rang it. I walked to the big red thing and observed it for a good five seconds. Suddenly, a leg pulled itself in and made a loud bang. I got very frightened and opened a door, I then shouted, “Hello!” I quickly took my head out and closed the hatch…
Suddenly, lots of tentacles came out then the thing started rumbling and stood up, I was so terrified. The thing threw a ball out to me, indicating to play catch with me so I did.
The thing was actually very nice and I hope he stays for a lot longer. 

Describing the Lost Thing by Paris

I was strolling the streets as usual, collecting my bottle tops. Until I wandered onto the dirtiest beach in my city. I found this strange looking thing, which everybody acted like they did not notice. All of the people were just doing what they normally do.  I didn’t know if I should be looking at this weird thing just sat on the beach like this. I only found it because of its long, red bell. As I listened to the doors slamming on it, legs started to pop out. It stood up, all of the doors were opening and two unusual arms popped out. The metal thing kicked out a ball; I was very confused. I caught the round ball and suddenly it started to jump around waiting for me to throw the ball back to it. 

Describing the Lost Thing by Ava

It looked like it stood out to me, yet everybody was acting like they couldn’t see it. I   stopped and picked up an old and rusty bell that was attached by a tattered, red rope. After I had seen the old bell I knew I must know more so what I did was…
Well I am not going to tell you just yet but I will describe it for you. I saw a bright red coloured teacup kind of shape with lots of different draws and doors. As I walked around this strange, large, red object I noticed a door that looked big enough for me to fit through but I will tell you more about that later.
Now let me tell you more about this object. it was dug out of the ground and started growing tentacles, octopus like. Then I heard a strange sound it sounded a bit like a factory being knocked down.  It had thrown a ball at me, then looked at me like it wanted me to throw it back at him.

I threw it back, hoping it wouldn’t do something bad like shoot a rocket at me or something.  

Discovering the Lost Thing by Cloud

It was a warm summer’s day, I was searching tirelessly for some new bottle-tops for my wonderful collection but I wasn’t having much luck, so to cheer myself up I decided to go down to the beach. I walked down the stairs from the pavement, onto the faded sand. As I was walking, I noticed, from the corner of my eye, something green poking out from under the sand. I decided to go and investigate.
I came across a kind of machine of some sort, it just sat there with a lonely kind of lost expression. I noticed there was a hatch so I looked around but no one was paying attention, I guess they were doing other stuff. I opened the hatch and looked inside but all I could see was darkness. “Hello,” I said. 
Suddenly, the weird machine started creaking and rumbling then out from underneath popped loads of little pale green tentacles.  The red machine then stood up and two huge claws appeared from inside the creature’s shell. It started walking towards me. It opened its front hatch and out bounced a beach ball. I could not believe my eyes; it was amazing. I still could not believe no one else was seeing this. The creature then gestured to me to throw the ball to it.

Discovering the Lost Thing by Isabelle

4th October 2012
Dear Diary,
I was tirelessly working on my bottle top collection and decided a good place to be was at the beach. On my way to the beach I collected a few more bottle tops not knowing what strange events were ahead of me.
 The people were obviously not looking around much because there was a massive thing, a massive lost thing with nobody taking any notice of it. It didn’t do much at least that’s what I thought; it just sat there in a sort of lost kind of way. As I walked around it I found an open hatch. Being as curious as I am I stuck my head and bellowed, “Hello!”
No answer but I still was interested.
Suddenly a bell rang and the thing started to shake like mad. One side of me was telling me to run for my life, but the other half of me was telling me to stay and wait to see what it was. I backed away in fear and watched it form into a monstrous thing. It turned around and opened a hatch, “Please don’t hurt me!” I said underneath my breath. It shook again and out came a….. ball? The ball shot out and stopped at my feet.

I didn’t know what to do so I picked up the ball and the machine was acting like a dog. Realizing what it wanted I threw the ball mightily and the thing caught it.

Discovering the Lost Thing by Mia

It was Sunday morning about 10:30; I was walking through the warm sand on the beach as I usually do to find some bottle tops for my collection. I walked a little further along and I found a little red rusty kind of bell it had something attached to it. I picked it up, looked at it then dropped it, I looked up, right there in front of me was a [big] massive red thing. This is what the bell was attached to, as I looked at it there was a tentacle thing that was hanging out but as I looked it shot back in. The thing had a big lid that was spikey, and lots of doors. I walked to the back of it and it had a little fan at the top that was creaking every time it moved. Then I walked back round to the front, I opened a little flap and shouted, “Hellooo,” it just echoed. I moved back and it started shaking. I moved back a bit more. Suddenly I started seeing tentacles coming out of the body. It also had these crab hand things. Then it threw a ball at me; I picked it up.      

The Lost Thing by Lisa

As I was dawdling down the steps, I found I was on a beach that I had never seen before.  I was looking down, as I usually am trying to find bottle tops, until I found something sticking out from the sand. It was red and it looked unusual so (as I always do when I see something peculiar) picked it up. It was attached to a string, so I decided to follow the sting, it led me to a very strange looking object.
It wasn’t overly big, but I can tell you, it was definitely bigger than me! It was red and rather unique.  As I walked around it, I realized how much it looked like a creature but I thought that creatures would most definitely not have an enormously large fan inside them. Would they? It had a spikey top, as if it was having a really bad hair day. It had lot of doors and hatches all over it and legs which looked like they were nailed to the ground to keep it there. 
Suddenly, I heard a bang from above me, and I slightly saw a green tentacle (not much different to the legs really). It lifted off the ground and started to turn around, it was squeaking and then suddenly!.......
It threw a ball at me. I picked it up and then the creature started jumping about like a dog would. I threw the ball at the creature and it caught it! We were playing catch for a long time but I needed to go bottle top collecting. I really didn’t want to leave it though.

Discovering the Lost Thing by Jessica

As I was walking down the narrow steps, I was thinking about adding to my bottle-top collection. When I reached the bottom step, I started searching in the sand. I stopped when I saw something red and dirty. Slowly, I bent down to pick it up. I started to hear some chiming sounds coming from the red thing.
I looked up and in front of me stood a very peculiar thing. It was the same colour as the chiming thingy but a lot bigger. Trying to find more about the massive red thing, I walked around it. In the window I could see a green blob. He looked very miserable or something, I couldn’t figure it out. It started moving so I opened a hatch and shouted, “Hello.”

The hatch shut. A couple of seconds later, it came alive. It lifted itself off the ground and a beach ball popped out. It started to hop around like it wanted me to throw it back to him so I did. All of a sudden, he threw it back to me. It turns out he was a lonely thing, that just wanted someone to play with.

Discovering the lost thing by Tia A

So I was working hard on my bottle top collection until I found this thing on the beach. I picked it up and it tinkled, there was rope attached to it, it led to this strange enormous lost thing. It was weird how nobody had spotted but they wouldn’t anyway they're always doing their own things. 

So I walked towards this big red thing, it had long green tentacles poking out of holes. The lost thing was shaped like a teacup, it was rough, old and it had cupboard doors all over it. I walked towards it and said, "HELLO!" it echoed back to me - it sounded empty. After I had finished investigating the lost thing it began to shake and vibrate. The cupboard doors shot open and the long green tentacles popped out and lifted the lost thing up. I didn’t feel scared at all but I was worried what was going to happen.     

The Lost Thing by Kaci-Shaye

It was late afternoon when I got to the beach, looking for bottle tops. It was tiring with my bag on my back as I trudged through the sand. Whilst the other people were doing other things I had my head down looking for bottle tops. Then I found a red, dirty bell, I picked it up, it was on a rope, when I looked up there was a brown, rusty, spiky, circular big tank. I walked around the big tank and there was a hatch so I banged on it, it opened up so I popped my head through and shouted, “Hello?” there was no answer all I could hear was my voice echoing. I dropped the hatch and that also echoed. I looked up and there was a fan it got faster and faster and tentacles came out of the hatches. I was scared but I wanted to know what it was, then another hatch opened and a beach ball came flying out of it. I did not want to make it angry, so I played with the lonely, dirty tank. We played catch, it reminded me of dogs playing with balls.

A Description of the lost thing by Tyler S

My day started with me wandering down the beach, looking for more bottle tops to add to my collection, when I stumbled across what at first glance looked like a bottle. Since I do collect bottle tops, so I decided to have a look. As I picked it up I realised it was a bell. A bell with a string. A bell with a string leading up to a giant, metallic, red teapot shaped contraption. Out of the corner of my eye, I could have sworn there was a grey tentacle slowly oozing its way out, so from there I began to think that an octopus was in there. I wanted to find out if there actually was.

 I opened one of the hatches and as it eerily creaked open I said, “Hello,” hoping for no answer. 

Suddenly, loads of tentacles oozed out even faster than before. I choose to step back a pace, otherwise I would have been crushed.   

Thursday, 29 September 2016

Meerkats by Rhianna

She was waiting for the right moment to turn it off, but she just couldn’t. She tried, but she just stood there, transfixed, face blank. Nobody had spoken for the last four hours, and they just stood there, in silence, watching ‘Dance Moms’. They couldn’t care less if it wasn’t from their nationality, as they watched anything they could grab their large, chubby hands on.
The box set came to an end, and so her father put on a documentary about meerkats. She wished she could scream, “WHAT IS GOING ON‽I WANT TO ACTUALLY DO SOMETHING!” but she couldn’t. They were just too cute. A meerkat was prowling around, and then another one joined it, and they started digging in the sand. Happily, they started yapping together, about who-knows-what. Back in the lounge, everybody just stood there.
Then the meerkats looked straight at the camera, and began to look sad. She wondered why. She hoped they would lighten up a bit. In a trice, they pounced at the screen, and began to claw away at the screen. They got through, and jumped straight out of the television! “Okay, okay. Baaaadddd kitty. Baaaaaaaddddd kitty. Please go away!” said her brother, his belly wobbling as he leant over to grab the crisps. He was seventeen, and already twice the size and weight of their eighteen year old cousins. The cousins were mildly obese. So that says a LOT about him. “HOW COULD YOU‽ YOU DON’T EVEN KNOW THE NAME OF THE POOR CREATURES, AND YOU’VE BEEN WATCHING THE STUPID DOCUMENTARY FOR TWO AND A HALF HOURS NOW! TWO AND A HALF!” she shouted. She was working herself up into a state now, and ran out the room.
By this time, the sitting room (well the main one, because they sit down 99.999% of the time) was absolutely jam-packed with meerkats, more meerkats and even more meerkats. They began to search for a better place, so they took a left and began to raid the pantry and kitchens. Surprisingly enough, they didn’t touch the food, and they only took the orange juice, and the milk. Then they came back with a load of cards and board games. They played blackjack, monopoly, snap, and Lego.
They carried on playing for another half an hour, with the family staring with open mouths. They were practically gasping for breath, except the little girl. She knew what was happening, and what was going to happen next. So she got her camera out, and took a bunch of pictures. She must have shied them away, because the next minute they left the door open behind them, and started waving goodbye.
The family thought it was only fair that instead of watching the television, they started socializing and playing monopoly until the day ended. They were sad to see the meerkats go, but they knew that they had taught them a valuable life lesson.
The next morning, the girl went to school. She took her photos with her for show and tell, and when it was her turn, all they said was, “Nice Photoshop.”

Late Night Shopping by Tyler W

“I’m hungry!” groaned Mark.
“Well go shopping then,” replied Julia.
While he was hungry he didn’t want to argue so off he went to the supermarket. Off he set in his car on the way to get his food ‘Bleep’ Julia had sent him a shopping list. “Welcome to your local supermarket please enjoys the super prices!” bleared a small speaker behind a sign.

Slowly Mark makes his way to the salad isle and looks at his phone. “Tomatoes” he mutters. Then to his surprise a packet of red juicy tomatoes come towards him singing
“We are red and were juicy
We love to squirt all over you when you cut us la, la, la.”

On to the sweet isle and he mutters “lemon drops,” Quickly the lemon drops jump off the shelf
“I want candy
I want candy
I want candy
I want candy!”
Mark now loved shopping he stood in the centre of the shop and said “cabbage, milk, sausages and ice cream. After a while, Marky started to think what would the cashier say but still he walked up to the till.
“Weeeeeeee yay,” all the items wailed around every corner. Mark took a deep breath and then walked up to the cashier and everything was normal.

Later that night he admitted he liked shopping which made Julia say
“Well you can go tomorrow,” but would it be the same
“Flour err flour!” Mark shouted
“Hello we are security would you like to leave now!”

The Meerkats by Kiefer

A family sprawled out on the floor, doing nothing but watching television. They were completely silent full of nothing. They were watching the nature channel. This bit of the programme was about meerkats. All of a sudden the meerkats jumped out the tele! All the family did, was watch the meerkats in amazement take over the living room. They watched the meerkats build an Eiffel tower and the statue of liberty out of lego. Still silent, the family watched the meerkats drink a bottle of milk and orange juice each. They took a hat each and raised it off their head as they ran out onto a taxi. They didn’t know what had happened but whatever happened was frightening weird and unusual.

Petrified, the family slowly walked towards the tele. They didn’t know what to do, turn tele back on, leave it, call the police. When an idea struck them. They would set a trap for them!!!!! It was genius. They laid some orange juice bottles on the floor, made a giant cage out of lego, and held it with a rope. As soon as something would jump out the tele, they would let go of the rope. They were just about to turn the tele on when….
ROAR CRASH BANG!!!!!! As they opened there eyes they had accidently turned on sky cinema. Unluckily for them the brand new Godzilla was on!!!! As there house fell to bits Godzilla was just about flamethrower when NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!! The daughter had found herself in bed. “Oh my family watching meerkats coming out of the tele and then setting a trap for Godzilla then destroying the house and trying to flamethrower me with its stinky breath was just a nasty dream”. Said the girl. Well at least that’s what they think. 

The Meerkats by Olivia

It was just an ordinary night at Halloween when the family of 5 girls sat down to watch Coronation Street in their unicorn onesies. That night there was a terrible storm that struck Skegness. After ten minutes the adverts came on then “crash!” lightning strikes.
Finally sparks stop coming out the TV and then…the Meerkats jump out of what’s left of the television “at Meerkat .com!” says the Meerkat. Weirdly the Meerkat runs upstairs and then comes back down wearing a unicorn headband and carrying unicorn monopoly.
The Meerkat shouts at the television screen “you are good to go!” suddenly more and more Meerkats come crawling through the television “what’s happening?” asked the girls as some more Meerkats crawl out of the television.
Quickly the girls try to run to the front door but the doors locked so the try to get to the back door but that’s crowded by all of the Meerkat army the girls run to the up stairs bathroom so they can lock the door and the window but those devils still manage to find a way in.
One of the girls reach’s into the pocket of her unicorn onesie so she can grab her phone but its not the none of the girls phones were where the left them…

The magic groceries by Aimee

There once was a girl called Esme who went to the supermarket every Saturday. On Saturday 17th October, she happily skipped through the door and got a trolley.
Esme got her shopping list out of her bag and read the items in her head. Slowly, she read out all of the items on her list “Milk, butter, yogurts…” she said and when she said each one, they jumped off the shelves either doing their own dance or singing their own theme song! “What is happening!!?” She said, confused.
She looked around her but no one seemed to notice anything. “Maybe I’m just imagining things,” She thought. She rubbed her eyes and opened them again…
But they were still singing in the trolley. She slowly trudged to the cashier, wondering what the lady would say. “Would she say…? Why are the groceries alive?!!! Would she say…? Did you do this?!!! Would she say… well would she scream and run off?” Esme thought. What would her mum and dad say when she gets back? She was puzzled.
Quickly she looked back in the basket and they were thankfully back to normal. “Phew.” She said. Esme quickly packed her bag and went home.

Trouble at home by Kaycee

I couldn’t believe it! There were loads of…well you are just going to have find out yourself. The day started pretty normally apart from the fact that it was snowing. My sister, Maddie, was really happy but mum said we couldn’t go outside because it was too dangerous; we lived on a mountain so there was a chance of avalanches.
Instead of going outside we watched a film called “Meerkats Madness” It was so boring until the meerkats started coming out of the television. It was really cool, they started playing games like Monopoly and Cludo and in like ten seconds they took over the living room.
In within a blink of an eye they were in the kitchen drinking all the orange juice, eating all the chocolate and they was about to eat the grand pancake. “Don’t you dare?” Mum shouted. The meerkats blinked and continued to wreck the house.
After about a full hour of craziness the meerkats left waving at us while walking out of the front door my family and I just waved back awkwardly. My mum turned looked at the television and it was turned off. Instead of watching the film we just played with the games and the toys that the meerkats left out.

Meerkat Madness by Molly

As the family of four all with the surname Monchons sat down and turned on the new 20 inch television to watch Britain’s Got Talent. They all love it. Lyla’s favourite act is Zia D the best singer. But Freddy likes Frankie Mingles and the little Teddy likes Isabelle C who has already been kicked out and last but not least mum and dad like Tia A the professional gymnast. Anyway as they turned on the telly and one of the best adverts came on it was meerkat movies but the telly was cracking and cracking and cracking even more oh no one hundred by one hundred come on to the sofa making all of the feathers go everywhere and then in the Fridge drinking the orange juice “Mind the cake!” shouted mum in shock but they ignored her and ate every single crumb and now it was enough they shooed them so they would never come again.
They all settled down in their cosy beds and fell asleep; in the middle of the night there was a bash and a clash. “What’s happening?” Lyla yelled in confusion they all hurried down stairs and the television was all back to normal we went back to bed to forget what happened earlier today. When the sun came out for a whole new day it meant to them that they can forget about what happened and let SKY have a look at it to make sure it was all ok now and nothing like that would ever happen again even though in Lyla’s dream she wishes rainbow unicorns come out the television next. Even though though mum and dad said that will never happen or will it.

The Shopping Trip by Tyler S

There I was, in my car being dragged off to another weekly shop at the local superstore. Little did I know that something extra-ordinary was going to happen.
I trudged through the double automatic doors of TESCO supermarket. I thought I saw a loaf of bread wink at me but it might have just been my imagination. But all of a sudden my Dad called out his shopping list starting with semi-skimmed milk and in the distance, you could hear someone singing.
Instantly, a semi-skimmed milk bottle walked along singing, “Milk, milk, semi-skimmed milk! Milk, milk semi-skimmed milk!” As it jumped in to the trolley who seemed to singing to “Trol-ly, tro, tro, trol-ly!”
The first thing that came to my head when I saw this was `I really hope that the CCTV doesn’t catch this!` But for a matter of fact, no-one seemed to take a glance at it at all!
You could just imagine what a sight this all singing, all dancing, weeks’ worth of food would like and not a single other person noticed. NOT ONE OTHER! Which you would notice if a singing and dancing roast chicken was tugging on your jeans!
After the last black forest gateau, which had a very high pitch voice, leaped in the trolley we steered it to the till as all the food went “WHEEEEEEEE!”
Surprisingly, the till had a song to sing, which sounded very much like the death march, but instead it had lots of `tills` in it. I said to myself at the end “I’m going to TESCO’S every day!”

The Skeleton by Jack S

Inside the dull old house, there was a family of four. Inside of their house everything was dusty because no one could be bothered to clean. The dad was flicking through the television channels he settled on a channel about squids and all types of strange creatures underwater. Surprisingly, when there was a splash of water on the screen all the dust in the house gathered into a pile on the floor.
The television had turned off when the dad looked back at it. He turned his head back to the dust only to see that it was spinning everywhere and had taken the form of a human skeleton! “What the heck?” The dad said. The skeleton turned around and asked in a stony voice “Who are you? And what are you doing in my home?”
The dad had fainted by the time the skeleton had finished. The children walked into the room to see a skeleton poking their dad. “Who are you?” The children asked “My name is … … I have no idea what my name is all I can remember is that this is my home and no one else’s.”
“Oh, well we bought this house because it was for sale … Also why are you a skeleton?”
“I also don’t know why I’m a skeleton… I think I’m dead.”
“Oh, Wait DEAD?!” The children ran into the kitchen and grabbed a frying pan and a fork. When they ran back into the living room the skeleton was gone and all the dust had come back their dad woke up and said “That was a weird dream.” The children said nothing.

The Alive Shopping by Kirsten

I happily pushed my trolley into the empty Morrison’s foyer; I was doing some ten thirty pm late night shopping for my 80th birthday tomorrow. My wife said I must go as it was my party. At least I like going unlike some people (yes, you Mr. Ball!). I grabbed a trolley and walked inside. Carefully, I took my list out of my pocket.

Shopping List
A chocolate gateau
A big chocolate cake
A bottle of milk
A deli platter
A block of cheese
Sandwich fillings
Some wine and beer
Sausage rolls
Anything else I like the look of!

As soon as I read the first thing out on my list, I heard a faint song.
‘Choc-late gateaux … Choc-late gateaux. I ‘m on my way!!! Choc-lat-ey’

It was all that I could hear, and then I could see a chocolate gateaux dancing it’s way to me! I was amazed. I called the next thing out on my list. “A big chocolate cake!” I called out.
Like last time, another song came.
‘Chocolate cake is on its way. It’s coming down the aisle. It’s big and round and full of joy. It’s a choc-choc-chocolate cake!’
The funny thing was as soon as they had arrived at my trolley; they jumped in and made themselves comfortable. I called many more out and the songs came again. They all harmonized together at one point. It was amazing, it was incredible. I was dumbstruck!

I looked round to see a couple of other people shopping, but no-one seemed to notice! Once my list was finished, I went round all the aisles just to see if anything else caught my eye. Annoyingly, every time I went round a corner, everything in my trolley went, “WEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!” It was funny at first but soon became annoying.
Once I had finished looking (and had picked up many more things) I made my way to the checkouts. I was worried about what the hot lady at the checkouts would say.
“Now listen up you… listen milk, alive groceries and foods. Behave whist you are scanned and tickled else…” I weirdly said to the contents of my trolley. But they had stopped being silly and were lied like normal groceries. Was I dreaming? Never mind.
“Hello, duckie. Doing a bit of late night shopping? You ‘avin’ a party or something?” the checkout assistant asked me.
“Yes, I am having a party tomorrow.” I replied. I packed my bags, and paid: I had spent a lot more than I had planned! I took my trolley back to the trolley park and loaded my bags into the boot of my Ford™ Fiesta and drove home. That was a weird shopping trip I thought. I wonder if anyone else has had one of them, have you?

The Meerkats by Tia M

It was just a normal night as often they were all watching Coronation Street. They were all tucked up in our unicorn onesie’s cuddling each other than…
When it was an advert we all loved the meerkat bit but then all the meerkats came jumping out of the telly when they jumped at the people they jumped up on the sofa and they were screaming their heads off. They opened the fridge; they drank the milk and ate the oranges and took the bananas. Eventually they finally took a break we got the fridge tidied up.
Then they went to the games room and got monopoly out and the chucked the cash everywhere the kids were laughing but there mum was not happy. They were so angry they told the kids to be quiet and go to their rooms and they were so sad that they had to go to their rooms. Then they settled down finally. It started to get so peaceful the parents were so happy the sighed. They sat down and fell straight asleep dreaming what would happen next.
The kids finally settled down after what had just happened they were talking to each other how the meerkats where so cute and soft and one of the meerkats sneaked into the bedroom and jumped up on the bed and fell straight to sleep and then the kids sneaked down stairs with mums duvet and they wrapped them up in it and they looked so cute and all was silence in the McRae household they were all quiet but all you could here was the meerkat snoring. They were all dreaming because you could see the dream bubbles. They all tidied up the next day and all did a little bit at a time and the meerkat that was in the kids bedroom was....

The Crazy Night by Dalton

It’s just a normal night when I jumped onto the sofa and switched on the TV to catch up on Coronation Street when that meerkats advert, suddenly the meerkats jumped out the advert and ran into the kitchen and drank all the milk and the apple juice and nicked my Haribos and shoved then in a bag and threw the games around and jumped back into the TV and switched it off.
Slowly dad went to bend down to pick up the games but dad splits his pants in half so I, mum and little sister Emma started laughing. Dad’s face went bright red. Then he ran upstairs and changes his pants and slowly dad walked down stairs and sat on the sofa, switched on the TV and started watching golf.
I snatched the control out of dad’s hands. Dad said “give it back”
“No we can carry on watching Coronation Street, “I said, “but it’s boring.”
“No it isn’t! It’s interesting.”
“Ok it interesting then.”

The Meerkats by Anesha

The moon went down and the sun came up. Lovely and bright morning and I went down stairs and turned on the television. To catch up on ….

When I turned on the television to catch up on Coronation Street, while we were playing Monopoly and my little brother was playing Lego. Then meerkats advert came on then it paused and I was thinking what is happening I shouted my mum and dad and they came down stairs and then that’s when it all happened.

Suddenly the meerkats came out of the television and started running around my living room back and forth back and forth back and forth. Then they went into the, into the kitchen and nicked all of my sweets. Next they went into the fridge and got all of my treats and drank all of the orange juice and pierced a hole in in the milk and it went everywhere. We went running after them but they went back in the living room where we were playing Monopoly and Lego.
Then they started making this weird noise at each other. We were all wondering what they were saying they all ran to the monopoly and cards and started playing we all decided to play with them. We were playing and the game had nearly and they started to discuss again and they jumped of the chairs and ran to the front door and waved goodbye to us all. I whispered to my dad “Where are they going?”
He replied with “I think they are going back to where they belong”
Then we waved goodbye we went back to the television and notice it was off we turned it on and carried on watching coronation street. That was the end of the day we went to bed and left Monopoly and Lego on the floor.

Fluffy's visit to the vets by William

It was an ordinary day until a morning you will never hear again. My dad and I took our lovely cat called Fluffy. We had to go to the vets because our cat had fleas. On the way there my cat was sad. It was crying.
When we got there, while we were waiting for the doctor, my cat was so scared he was at the back of the basket. She didn’t want to come out at all he was so scared. When the doctor came out he shouted our names and Fluffy of cause the doctor wouldn’t let us in.
When the doctor got Fluffy out of the basket a voice said, “Why am I here?”
“Where are you?” said the doctor
“In front of you.”
“Are you the cat?”
“Yes, now I am not the one with fleas my owners are.”
After that me and me and my dad was awkwardly called in by the doctor .we both said, “Why do you want us?”
“I want you because your cat told me you have fleas not the cat.”
“Cats can’t talk.”
“But yours can.”
In the middle of the conversation Fluffy “meows”
“I told you doctor.”
“But well I have to give your flea tablets.”

The Late night Supermarket by Paris

“I’m starving!” Moaned Lucas, playing with his £50 toy tractor. Alright let’s go to the supermarket then, “But it’s a bit late isn’t it.” Answered his dad. “I am hungry, let’s go now!” Groaned Lucas. Lucas is so spoilt he gets anything he wants so his dad replied “Ok then.”
Lying on all of the posh chairs in the huge limo, Lucas was thinking what he wanted out of the Supermarket; because he knew that he could get whatever he wants. When they got to the supermarket Lucas jumped out of the shiny limo and slammed the door. When they reached the supermarket door Lucas’s dad walked to go and get a huge trolley because he knew Lucas will get nearly everything in the shop. Lucas’s dad decided that he could get some shopping off his list whilst he was there.
Lucas’s dad picked up the first item off of his list, whilst Lucas got his toys. When his dad picked up the milk, something strange happened the milk started to sing and dance to its own tune. “Milk, milk, milk.” Sang the milk. He thought he just imagined it, so he carried on shopping. Around the corners he goes. The milk kept on saying “weeeeeeeeee.” It repeated every corner it went around.” Something strange has happened to this shop.” Dad said. What will the people at the till say to this?

The Shopping Trip by Cloud

Exhausted after marking thirty children’s books, Mr. Ball grumpily trudged into the supermarket.
“I can’t believe I have to do shopping on a day like this,” he mumbled to himself.
He walked through the automatic doors into the dreaded supermarket Mr. Ball hated everything about going to the supermarket; he hated the cheery supermarket staff that are always asking you to try stuff and he hated the other smiley customers and the same song playing over and over again.

Mr. Ball was already half way through the supermarket when he finally realized that he forgot to get a trolley.
“Oh pants I forgot to get a trolley!” he shouted as everyone around him turned and stared at him as if he was a crazy person.
“What are you looking at?” he asked as they went away.
Mr. Ball then pulled out his list from inside his right pocket,
“Ok let’s see what I need to get,” Mr. Ball said to himself than he recited the following:
Chocolate cake,
Semi-skimmed milk,
Sausage Rolls.

As Mr. Ball read out these items on the list he was amazed. Because all of these items had magically come alive and were heading towards his trolley each item was singing a different song. As he experienced this amazing happening all he could think was, how come no-one
else was seeing this? Everyone else round him was acting normal not even paying attention to this miraculous event as Mr. Ball just stood there in awe at what was happening before his eyes.
“ Chocolate cake, chocolate cake here I come I am round and yummy and I’ll make your mouth water with just one look!” sang the yummy chocolate cake as it cautiously climbed into the trolley making sure that it didn’t mess up the icing on it’s head. But the chocolate cake did leave a trail of chocolate crumbs on the floor.

This happened with all of the items on the shopping list until they all made themselcves comfortable in the trolley. As Mr. Ball made his way to the checkout all the items in the trolley shouted
“Weeeeeeee!” every time he went round a corner.
Mr Ball was so worried what the cashier would say when he went to pay but as he enters the checkout all the items went back to their normal less annoying and lifeless selves. Then Mr. Ball finished his shopping trip, as he walked out he had a huge smile on his face. Have you ever had a weird shopping trip like Mr. Ball’s trip?

Food in the store by Frankie

After running through muddy puddles, Frankie was going to do some shopping at the supermarket. He started looking for food in the store and saying food off his list, when he was saying the foods they came to life, dancing and singing songs like “I’m a happy little chocolate bar!” and other things like that. Slowly Frankie carried on shopping later to realise there still dancing. Excitedly Frankie shouted everything off the shelves in the supermarket, stuff he didn’t even need he shouted.
Later that night, Frankie was still in the store, getting food and drinks until there was nothing left in the shop. He decided to try saying shop accessories like tills, shelves, trollies and baskets. So they all came dancing to him and flattened him. Frankie woke up in hospital but when he woke up the doctors were… FOOD! He screamed and ran out of the hospital later to realise he was a sausage he thought it was a dream so he closed his eyes and counted to three “One, two and three” he opened his eyes but he turned into a different food, he counted again “One two three!” he was a pizza.
Quickly he ran back to the store and everything was food. The windows were burgers the doors were ice cream, he loved it!

The Meerkats by Nicole

It was a normal late night and my family and I were watching a film, and we had popcorn and then while we were watching the film the TV went all funny and a bit 3D and it went more like 4D then 5D and 6D then 7D we just changed the film but it was still like that.
Then we changed the film and there were some meerkats but the TV was still blurry and 7D then something terrible happened. Somehow the meerkats came out of the TV that was amazing but weird, also they came out nice and safe and they are super real.
The meerkats were walking all around the house and went to the kitchen and opened the fridge and took some food out actually took all of it then we had to go to the shop to buy some more food we bought loads of food, we also had to buy a little fridge for the meerkats and more food for them of course because they would get all of our food again and we would probably starve to death. They would have a big house to live in they would be very happy. But that is not going to happen at all. So we even taught how to make the meerkats talk listen to what we say and they can do what they are told to do and they can dance tango!
We got so tired but we had to buy the meerkats a bed so my dad went to the shop to buy them and I went to bed but the meerkats are going to sleep near my bed ok I need to go to sleep now bye.

The Magic Items by Zia

A girl named Esme was just at home playing with her cat. Her cat was named Xandaer and he was grey and white. A couple minutes later Esme’s mum shouted her and they went to the shop. Every Friday they go to the shop and Esme writes a tiny list of what food she would like and this time her list lots of things on. Her mum counted how many things were on her list and when she got to ten she got a pencil out her pocket and crossed the rest of the things out. Esme got a little trolley and started to shop.
She said out loud the first thing on her list which was chocolate, suddenly she heard a song going like this. I am chocolate I am chocolate I’m coming to you I’m coming to you. Esme looked around then looked in her trolley and her favourite chocolate was in the trolley. She then said all the things on her list and they all came singing into her trolley. After 30 seconds passed her shopping was complete. As her mum was only just finding her second out of fifty things Esme decided to buy a camera as she loves photography so she did. When she had finished her shopping she was wondering how she would get her dancing singing items past the checkout. She finally thought of an Idea so she used her idea and at the top of her voice she shouted “SHUT UP ITEMS.” So they did. When she got home she went to see her cat Xandaer.
At night time everyone in the house went to sleep in their cosy beds. The next morning the foods were singing really loud so they took Esme’s things back to the shop and just walked round normally getting the things

Oscar's shopping trip by Isabelle

Oscar dragged himself down the road for a late night shop, which was not his idea of fun. As he walked past the line of shopping trolleys he held out his hand, grabbed one, and dragged it behind him miserably. Oscar walked into the supermarket and quickly put the trolley in front of him so he didn’t seem he was tired or anything.
Oscar slowly walked through the isle but instead of normal groceries they seemed to be singing. As Oscar walked past they all sang their own theme song. “We’re the bread, bread, bread, bread, bread, bread!” they sang in the isle. “We’re the MIIILLLLK buy us now, we’re semi skimmed oh yeah!” Wherever Oscar went there was singing food. He tried to ignore it and got out his shopping list. What was even weirder about this is that when Oscar put them into the trolley they started singing the start of the lion king! “Ahhhhh savenyaaaaaa!” Whenever Oscar turned a corner they screamed “Weeeeeeeeeeee!”
Oscar became worried whether the shopkeeper would accept them. Hurriedly he tried to shut them up but failed. He came to the till and the music stopped, Oscar looked down and realized they didn’t have faces anymore. Oscar stood with his mouth as wide as a river. “May I help you sir?” asked the lady “Yes p-p please.” Replied Oscar. He gathered his things and went home. Oscar turned on the TV and was just in time for pointless. This was a very rare case so it’s not just humans that have musical enthusiasm.

 P.S The singing was perfectly harmonized.

Late night shopping by Mia

It was a cold and shiny night and Richie was going for his late night walk to the nearest supermarket that was uptown.
When he got there his colourful shopping list out his ratchet pockets, as he got it out he got a trolley and walked into the shop. Slowly he read out the first thing on his list “apple” and into the trolley dancing and singing about. Secondly he said “carrots” then carrots came dancing and singing and everything he got was just dancing and singing and shouting “weeeeee” in the trolley.
When he got to the till food was moving it was back to its normal form. When the women looked none of the food was moving. It was all back to normal and by normal I mean not singing or dancing or doing anything it was just still and calm. After he packs the food in the carrier bag he walked out the shop and went home.

The strangest time in the supermarket by Lisa

I was doing my weekly shop after work as I do every Sunday night until I thought that it was almost impossible to have experienced the secret life of grocery items.
Eventually I got into the store I decided to read out the items that I needed from the aisle I was on. “Right, so I need milk, cheese and maybe some ham.” (As you can tell, I am on the dairy aisle.) “Mmmmm, and I would like a strawberry milkshake too!” when I looked up the most shocking thing I had ever seen was before my eyes. The shopping was dancing and singing and everything had it’s own theme tune!
“Wow!” I said. All of the shopping was getting incredibly comfortable in his shopping trolley. But as I looked around, nobody seemed to notice them. It was as if they were not even there, but I could see them, I was so sure that they were there!
Wearily, I looked around at the people around me and I had so many questions for them but I thought people would question me if I was talking to my shopping. “ never mind, it doesn’t matter, they are not really there! Are they? No they can’t be.” I kept talking to myself over and over again. As I went round the corner though they were laughing, yelling and going “Weeeeeeeeeee!”
I went to the next aisle and I picked up the items myself this time but when I touched them they jumped out of my hands and ran across the floor into my shopping trolley. I had the got all of my shopping so I needed to go to the cashier. I was incredibly worried at this point at what the cashier person would say but I still went there as I needed to have my shopping so I had no choice but to go there anyway.
When he got there all the items were giggling at how fun it was on the moving floor, they kept falling over and screaming with laughter. But when each and every item was scanned, they turned back to normal “phew!” I thought in relief “ I will never forget today in my whole entire life!” I carried on packing my bags and went home that night thinking I was absolutely mad! Or was I kind of mad?

The Shop by Jessica

Nick Watson got out of his shiny Jaguar and continued his shopping. He walked through the automatic door and grabbed a trolley. Nick pulled out a piece of paper and started to look through it. He called the first item out, “Potatoes.” A bag of potatoes started walking up to his trolley singing, “Buy, me I’m Gluten Free.” Nick stood there in amazement. He picked it up and threw it into his trolley.

He then called the second item off the list and the same thing happened again. Slowly, the milk walked over to him but this time he sang a different song, “Milk, today, is half price!” Nick wasn’t that surprised the second time, so he just puts it into his trolley.

He called the next item, ”Eggs.”
“Eggs, eggs, eggs eggs and eggs.” Nick places it into his trolley. He didn’t really like this song because he thought that it was too plain and it didn’t have any special at .

Finally, he called the last item, “Rice.” The rice came down the aisle singing,
“Rice, rice is very nice.” Nick was too tired to place it into the trolley so instead he threw it in the trolley.

He then goes to the counter and wondered what she will say. When Nick turned around to pick up an item only to find that nothing was inside it. Nick steps out of the queue and realises that the shop was about to close. Nick went to the automatic door and walks through.

The Messy Meerkats by Tia A

The sun came down and the moon went up, the stars were shining bright. The house with all the lights on, were watching meerkat lice. The TV show was all about how meerkats scratch their lice, but the meerkat took one move and stood in their living room.
Instantly they took over the whole entire house, while playing board games and, rummaging through their bags, they searched and searched and finally found some chocolate melting on the ground.
When they finished eating the chocolate, they walked towards the fridge. Then they drank the orange juice and spilt all of the milk. But then soon after they wanted to play: Monopoly, Lego and card games.
The family were shocked but looked amazed at what they could see. But it’s time to go so open the door and walk home safely.The family began to watch the film while playing board games that were left on the floor near the door that was left by those naughty little meerkats!!!!

The Meerkats by Kaci-Shaye

All was warm and cosy in the front room. All was silent in the front room. The family was watching television, they were watching the soaps (Coronation Street, Emmerdale and EastEnders) they loved watching the soaps after a hard day at work. Then the meerkat advert came on (the children loved it they made them laugh) then the meerkats came walking out from the telly.

The family sat down and watched in amazement. The meerkats took over the front room, then they walked in the kitchen it a single file line like school kids. Slowly they opened the silver, cold fridge and took out the orange juice and had one sip each, then they got the milk out and had two sips out then they left the milk out. Quickly they searched the house for board games and they found loads in Lilly’s bedroom there were monopoly, Lego and other board games.  They had a lot of fun but then an hour later they thought they should leave the house so they waved to the nice warm family, the children watched the meerkats go into the house in front of them.

The children were quite sad that the meerkats were gone, but they were happy that they came for 1½ hours and  it was good fun they said to their parents. The parents said, “We should tidy up the way the meerkats left the house, come on kids you put the games away and me and your dad will put the drinks away and mop the floor. "                     

Saturday, 2 July 2016