Thursday 18 May 2017

SKELLIG (opening) by Tia A

There the boy was, standing in the dark gloomy playground with a bunch of bullies around him. After the argument, they had become abusive - the bullies kicked and punched and gave him a nose bleed.
With the hurt inside the boy, he ran, not just running around having fun. He ran and ran fast out of his primary school.
After the boy had run for miles, he stopped at an old ancient ruin which was hanging off a tall cliff and below it was a deep dark blue lake.
The boy walked closer and placed his toes at the very edge. He raised both his arms up like he was going to dive in but he was swaying slowly backwards and forwards.
Surely he must have had questions in his head saying,
“Do I really want my life to be ended?”
“Am I sure I want to jump and be gone forever!”
“Shall I just forget about it and hope that everything will be ok?”

After of rocking for ages, the boy crouched down and …

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