Friday 19 May 2017

Michael's Diary by Zia

Dear diary,
Today I was told we are moving house for the new baby. When we started moving all of are things out I felt very upset that we were going to move out of the area. When everything was packed up, we started to drive to the house, my mum told me, “You will still be able to see your friends at school.”
My dad pulled up at the new house and it was a dump. I told my dad that it looks like it is going to fall down. He then replied, “Nothing is going to fall down.” Suddenly the sold sign fell!
We walked into the house and cobwebs were everywhere, dust was all over and it stunk. I HATED IT! I looked all around the house and I was hoping to find a nice room to be mine. As I wandered up the stairs, there was an attic type of room it was horrible. Out of nowhere a gigantic crow flew in the house. It sat on a rusty seat and looked around. When it flew out, I ran down stairs
I asked my mum and dad, “Why isn’t the toilet in the toilet.”
My dad said, "It’s because the old man who used used live here couldn’t walk very well." He then said, “The poor man died here.”
After a few minutes had passed I said “I want the room next to the toilet.”
Mum said, "We thought you would like the top room, because need the other room for the baby.”
I went up to my horrid room and jumped like crazy. When dad came up he told me to stop.

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