Tuesday 13 June 2017

Food of the Gods by Oliver

Being stranded on an island is difficult. Eating worms and sometimes, just sometimes I treat myself with a nice, wet dirt cake, but that’s only when it’s raining.

My lucky day has come, the one where I get rescued by archaeologists trying to find fossils on this island. They rang the lifeboat too come pick me up since there was no space on their boat.

The lifeboat came and then they asked me the question from my dreams, "What do you want to eat? You can have a three course meal all on us.” 
Which then I replied shockingly, "Well I would like 10 Big Macs, 150 chicken nuggets, and 1000 Mc Flurries!” 
… silence
 “Ok that is a very big order,” the first Lifeboat man replied. We were on the shore I was pretty SHORE-pun intended- that they were not happy for asking me for anything to eat. Everybody stayed silent since we were on the boat.

They ordered the food and I got straight into eating. The first big macs texture was a soft-brown and it also felt soft just like its colour it smelt beautifully I have not smelt anything like it before.

Then came along the chicken nuggets, once again brown but it wasn’t a soft-brown, instead a not so soft-brown the taste, they were so crispy I couldn’t describe the feeling but the smell was beautiful once again it smelt like the most beautiful food ever.

Last but not least the McFlurries after all that hot food something cold it tasted amazing I cannot describe the taste.

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