Sunday 23 September 2018

The Lost Thing Meets the Boy by Bradley

On the golden sand, was where I had been sat for the last 20 days (doing nothing at all). Suddenly, I glanced up and noticed a short thing glaring right at me from the ancient stairs a few metres away from me… I tried to hide myself   but it is pretty difficult when you’re a bright scarlet coloured machine! The next second, he was approaching me and the next thing I knew, we were nearly touching noses (if I had one). This thing had black things surrounding his eyes like Harry Potter. I don’t know why but the thing started strolling around me in a clockwise direction. When we were face to face again he slowly bent down and picked up one of my bells I then got mad and stood up to the thing (literally!) But he didn’t run, maybe he was friendly… I decided to throw him a ball which he kicked back but not very accurately of course! We played for hours…

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